Generating Access-Controlled URLs

There are many ways to share data -- here are a few common approaches, ordered from least to most locked-down

Authenticated URLs (Aquarium Auth Headers)

Users can provide URLs that are authenticated through normal authentication measures, such as by providing URL signing endpoints for raw data stored on their own S3 / GCS buckets. Requests from Aquarium will include auth headers identifying itself, so users can allow Aquarium to see data without exposing it to the wider world.

Authenticated URLs (Company Identity Provider)

If your company has more complex access controls, we can also discuss integration with Identity Providers like Okta, and include that information when requesting resources. This means that all requests must come from an environment where the user has authenticated with the company's identity provider.

IP Restricted URLs

If users do not want Aquarium to have read access to their data at all, they can restrict permissions on their URLs to only be accessible to users within their corporate network or VPN. This way, Aquarium's servers won't have read access to the raw data. When someone uses Aquarium from within an approved network, the Aquarium browser client will be able to access and render the raw data correctly.This can also be done in conjunction with other access control schemes, such as authenticated image signing URLs.

Serving Locally Hosted Images

Aquarium's only requirement is that images are available via an HTTP request from the user's browser. Users can host data from their own computer if needed, which is particularly useful for fast experimentation workflows. You can serve a folder of local images with a simple HTTP server by installing Python or node, and running one of the following commands:

# Python 3
python3 -m http.server 5000

# Python 2
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 5000

npx http-server --cors='*' --port=5000

If you're working with semantic segmentation or point cloud data, you'll need to use a local file server that supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). The recommended NPM package below supports it as written.

If you are unable to use an NPM package, please reach out and we can get you set up.

Afterwards, you can submit URLs to Aquarium that are formatted like https://localhost:5000/{image_path}.jpg When the Aquarium client tries to render these URLs, it will load the images served by the Python server on your local machine with minimal latency.

Last updated

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